Reynolds Defends!20240209130949
Marta defends!20240111115424
Reynolds wins ARCS award!20230825150722
Tom is tenured!20230324142604
Postdoc Positions available!20230228154500
Postdoc Positions available!
February 28, 2023
The Kempa Lab is hiring 2 postdocs for projects fo...
Tom wins DARPA YFA!20220421115100
Ona wins GRFP!20220404120900
Ben Defends!20211021150100
Shreya wins PURA!20211019142127
Tom Featured in JHU Arts and Sciences Magazine!20210627135800
Tom Featured in JHU Arts and Sciences Magazine!
June 27, 2021
Our research in atomic and molecular 2D crystals i...
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